RH Video Archive

21.1031 Overcoming the Power of Fear

This weekend many people in our culture pursue glorifying evil and fearful experiences like haunted houses and scary movies. Others just want to enjoy dressing up in costumes and collecting candy. Fear is real and can keep us from fulfilling God’s purpose in our life. Faith can give us courage to face fear with confidence. The Bible is full of examples of fearful people that were empowered and strengthened by the Lord to succeed. This Sunday is a perfect day to come to church and be encouraged to overcome the power of fear in your Christian life. (I had to record the sermon video for the new church on my deck for the Sunday that we were moving four hours north). 10.31.2021

Rockwell Church (Emmanuel)   Oct 31st, 2021    Pastor Chris Teien
“Overcoming the Power of Fear”
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of
power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

#1 Your FAITH helps you overcome the power fear

#2 Your EXPERIENCE helps you overcome the power fear

#3 Your ATTITUDE helps you overcome the power fear

#4 Your RESPONSE helps you overcome the power fear

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