Ministry Tools

Tools to discover the source of songs, fonts, graphics and websites

I have been asked to share a few of the resources that can be helpful to church planters, pastors, ministry workers and others. Here are some tools that can help you discover, identify or save the material you need:

What song is that?

When you hear a new song you like that you want to identify you can use your smart phone with the Shazam or Soundhound app. I use Soundhound on my Android phone and it not only identifies the song but it also shows how you can get it from

What font is that?

Ever try to match a font when updating that brochure, powerpoint sermon slide, or other graphic – it can take a long time to identify. There is a free tool from the website called WhatTheFont that will search and attempt to identify your font for you.

Where did that image come from?

Ever wanted to find out how widely used that stock photography image you are about to purchase is? Or maybe you need help to identify the source of an image you want to use? Try the free reverse image search tool

What has a website url been used for or where are some historical snapshots of a website?

Ever wondered about the history of a website or where that website url has been before you purchase it? You might be able to find some old archives or snapshots of past information on The Wayback Machine

Want to see where the new people may be moving to your town?

Want to see where new people might be moving to your area? You can get a list and a map of recently sold homes in your area at
Go to

Want to easily capture images?

There are lots of ways to capture images but the one I found that works the best and lets me save to many different formats (including PNG and JPG) is Snag it from Tech Smith It comes with a free 30 day trial and is well worth the $49.95.  Go to

Want to record internet radio?

I really like this radiosure program – it’s like TIVO for internet radio. Works best with internet radio stations @ 128k. Records and divides songs into individual mp3s with song title and artist name. The paid version of program allows you to record multiple stations at a time. It’s not perfect but I sure I have discovered a lot of new Christian music artists. Go to

Some stations that work well with RadioSure include: (Netherlands?)
What tools like these can you recommend?